No results were found that matched the keywords: software quality management.
  • DevOps: Bridging the Gap Between Development and Operations

    DevOps: Bridging the Gap Between Development and Operations 2023/ 30/05 In today's fast-paced digital landscape, where software development and deployment occur at an...
  • Outsource like a pro #2: how to select a partner

    Outsource like a pro #2: how to select a partner 2016/ 28/01 Selection of the most suitable outsourcing partner should begin by the full and flawless completion of your “mandatory homework”. In...
  • Report Manager

    Report Manager Management information system - get better insights!   Régens offers management support systems for...
  • IACS

    IACS Technical assistance on the implementation of Integrated Agricultural Control System in Hungary The IACS project is co-financed by PHARE and stands for Integrated Administration and Control...
  • Creating a complex integration solution for Weskamp Bt.

    Creating a complex integration solution for Weskamp Bt. Partner: Weskamp Bt. Domain System integration Technologies Oracle, PowerBuilder, Angular, custom interface Weskamp Bt. entrusted Régens with...
  • The newest type of outsourcing: why choose nearshoring

    The newest type of outsourcing: why choose nearshoring 2017/ 06/11 Outsourcing software development is not a new concept either in the USA or Europe. There are more types...