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  • Cloud & IT Services

    Cloud & IT Services We help your business utilize a scalable, dynamic infrastructure with no boundaries Due to the explosive growth of Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data cloud computing is also...
  • Our unique solution for S.E.G.A Hungary

    Our unique solution for S.E.G.A Hungary Partner: Starters E-Components Generators Automotive...
  • Development Outsourcing B

    Development Outsourcing B Development outsourcing with guarantee SIEMENS, LUFTHANSA TECHNIK AND BOSCH HAVE ALREADY TRUSTED OUR DEVELOPER TEAM Accountable We contract to full delivery and back it...
  • 7 things to consider when choosing an IT service provider

    7 things to consider when choosing an IT service provider 2023/ 23/01 There was a time when an SME's IT infrastructure could fit in a cupboard. Network security was simple and maintenance was...
  • Alrite banners

    Deep learning-based speech recognition BUSINESS EFFICIENCY Increase the efficiency of your work with a speech recognition application optimized for...
  • Business and IT consultancy

    Business and IT consultancy Feltárjuk a vállalkozásában lévő lehetőségeket! Szakértő tanácsadóink segítenek elérni vállalatának céljait. Legyen szó stratégiai tervezésről, folyamatoptimalizálásról,...