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  • 2005

    2005 Régens presents 'Mobility in Logistics from the Service Provider's Point of View' at the ICE AMI@work Forum Day in München. Régens launches the WebSense research project, which applies...
  • Smart City know-how – why and how?

    Smart City know-how – why and how? 2018/ 13/02 The concept of smart cities have become more and more important nowadays from many aspects, such as innovation, environment, and development. Where...
  • What to expect from Artificial Intelligence in 2018

    What to expect from Artificial Intelligence in 2018 2018/ 19/03 2018 can be the year of innovation: the year has just begun, but you can hear about such technological innovations as launching a car...
  • Data visualisaton - because Big Data is useless unless you can understand it

    Data visualisaton - because Big Data is useless unless you can understand it 2017/ 17/04 We have been aware of the significance of Big Data for a while: if you collect the enough amount of data,...
  • In which business areas are beneficial to use a speech-to-text API?

    In which business areas are beneficial to use a speech-to-text API? 2022/ 21/02 The everyday use of an AI speech-to-text tool is no longer just the future, it is available and can be used...