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  • Greening the Future: Top AI Strategies for the IT Industry

    Greening the Future: Top AI Strategies for the IT Industry 2023/ 19/07 Climate change and sustainability are major global concerns that require immediate attention and action. As the world becomes...

    ESSENCE ESSENCE is a research project that focuses on improving communication networks for SMEs in Central Europe. ESSENCE stands for “easy e-services to shape and empower SME networks in Central...
  • Challenges and new solutions in logistics

    Challenges and new solutions in logistics 2017/ 20/07 In the recent years, a number of new, disruptive solutions have emerged in the field of logistics, which have challenged every participant on...
  • The NIS2 Directive

    The NIS2 Directive 2024/ 11/03 The NIS2 Directive is an enhanced version of the EU's cybersecurity measures adopted in 2022, aiming for a higher level of cybersecurity in critical sectors. As such,...