2024Karácsonyi üdvözlet
A Régens munkatársai nevében békés, boldog, szeretetteljes karácsonyi ünnepeket és sikerekben gazdag, boldog új évet kívánunk minden kedves Ügyfeleinknek, Partnereinknek és kedves családtagjaiknak!
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2024Highest standards of information security - Régens has achieved ISO 27001 certification
We are pleased to announce that our company has obtained the ISO/IEC 27001 certification, one of the world's most recognized standards in the field of information security. The security and quality of our services have always been of paramount importance to us, and achieving this certification proves that our systems and processes comply with the strictest international regulations and that we apply the best practices in data protection.
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2024Do less gain more – Alrite takes productivity to the next level
Alrite introduces advanced summarization and keyword extraction features, streamlining information retrieval and enhancing content organization across diverse business sectors.
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2023Are you looking for a solution to caption large video files?
Sometimes you may need to transcribe or caption videos larger than 1 GB, but due to the upload limit of speech to text portals, this is often not possible. With the new version of Alrite, you can now upload videos up to 4 GB in size, and you can process high-resolution videos for social media without sacrificing the high image quality of your videos.
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2022Season's Greetings
On behalf of the staff of Régens, we wish a peaceful and merry Christmas and a successful, happy new year to all our Customers and Partners and their families!
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2022French speech recognition is available in the latest version of Alrite
The innovative Alrite speech-to-text app is back with some exciting new features: French language recognition and Hungarian-Spanish translation!
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2022The website of Alrite has been renewed
After the web and mobile app, the Alrite website has now been revamped. In addition to a renewed and streamlined look, we provide as much information about the app as possible.
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2021Season's Greetings
On behalf of the staff of Régens, we wish a peaceful and merry Christmas and a successful, happy new year to all our Customers and Partners and their families!
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2021Alrite©’s new design is here
Az Alrite© mesterséges intelligencián alapuló, magyar fejlesztésű beszédfelismerő felhős szoftvermegoldás, a folyamatosan bővülő funkcionalitása mellett, most új, felhasználóbarát dizájnnal és menürendszerrel jelentkezik.
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2021Alrite’s long-awaited Spanish version is available for use
After the English, German and Hungarian versions, the list of supported languages has expanded again - this time with Spanish.
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2021Our Alrite speech recognition solution has been expanded with additional languages
The Alrite© application, which was first optimized for Hungarian, can already be used effectively for speech recognition in English and German, and a new version supporting Spanish will be released soon.
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2020Season's Greetings
On behalf of the staff of Régens, we wish a peaceful and merry Christmas and a successful, happy new year to all our Customers and Partners and their families!
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2020We have expanded the Alrite mobile application with useful features - Try them yourself!
In the recent weeks and months, our mobile development team has worked non-stop to improve the downloadable version of the Alrite© speech recognition app for mobile devices.
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2020Positive critique of our Alrite speech recognition solution
The Techwok online technology news portal evaluated our Alrite speech recognition solution in an independent test and detailed the experience of testing the application in an article.
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2020We have launched a new service: Robotic process automation
Automate your repetitive processes with our robotic process automation service!
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2020The mobile application version of our Alrite speech recognition system has been expanded with new features
We are constantly working on the development and functionality of the iOS and Android versions of our native Alrite mobile app. The latest update includes file upload and YouTube subtitle generation as new features, and we also renewed the file datasheet.
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2020Save your time spent on administration with the Alrite mobile app
Are there some hidden soundtrack files in your mobile device’s folders, which are waiting for being described, but you can only do it after uploading them to your computer? What is more, do you have to do the same long action with your YouTube videos, taking your time from your family and freetime, instead of ending the discribing during travelling or standing in queue. The Alrite mobile app changes the way you have done transcription so far.
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2020The mobile application of Alrite has become available - Try It for yourself!
You do not want to take your laptop with you everywhere, but you need to type a great amount of text or notes? Our newly released Alrite speech recognition mobile app provides the perfect solution to this problem.
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2020The mobile app version of Alrite will be available soon
Would you do an interview but you can’t pay enough attention to your questions, to the respondent and to your notes at the same time? Do you feel tired of having to start writing articles afterwards, practically from scratch? Would you be glad if you did not have to carry your laptop or dictaphone all the time to make audio recordings, reminders, or notes? We have a solution that is no bigger than your pocket!
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2020We developed a color-based search engine for the database of the Hungarian National Museum
In our latest case study, we present a color-based search engine supported by artificial intelligence created for the Hungarian National Museum’s National Centre of Museological Methodology and Information.