CLARE premiere at Transport Complet GO 2018 exhibition
CLARE premiere at Transport Complet GO 2018 exhibition
At Régens, we believe that participating at various events and exhibitions provides an excellent opportunity for our new products to be reviewed and tested by potential clients.
We have participated as an exhibitor at the Transport Compleet GO 2018 exhibition, one of the most famous logistic events in the region. At the exhibition we presented our latest web-based customs clearance solution, CLARE, which was presented for the first time at international stage.
There were a large number of visitors and exhibitors at the exhibition, therefore we got a more accurate picture of the needs and logistics solutions on the Dutch market.

The most frequent question asked by participants was about the effects of BREXIT. What will happen with the businesses who are in trade relations with the UK after it leaves the EU? Altought the question is still cannot be answered, we assured our visitors of that our program will definitely keep up with the changes.
During the event, we have established valuable partnerships with the main representatives of the Dutch logistic sector, and we have got to know about local innovations in the field of supply chain management.
What’s next? We introduce CLARE on the German market between 18-21 September in Berlin at the InnoTrans exhibition. We hope we will see you there!