E-Skills art contest: our expert in the Jury Board


2014. október 10-én tartották az IVSZ által szervezett E-skills rajzpályázat eredményhirdetését.

E-Skills art contest contest was organized by the ICT Association of Hungary and was held on the 10th of October 2014.

Our expert, Andrea Szarka’s task was to jury the paintings and drawings of the adventures of Emil and a tablet called Digi523, submitted by elementary students.

With our help the winners of about 300 competitors were selected in two categories: digital and traditional art design. The Jury Board handed out three awards in traditional art design category, one in digital art design category, and the Jury decided to give a special prize to a unique work originally submitted to traditional art design category.

You can visit the winners work here.

Find more information on the website of the Association